04 Feb Welcome to FUNctional Speech Therapy!
Hello and welcome to FUNctional Speech Therapy! We are here to make therapy fun and functional. We provide telehealth services to children ages 6 months-18 years old. We specialize in working with children who have feeding or communication concerns, as well as language, speech, or social interaction difficulties or delays.
Is your child having feeding difficulties when chewing food, trying new foods? Is he or she eating with proper pace, or having limited food choices? We are here to help you and your child make mealtimes fun and nutritious! Our team members are trained in the SOS feeding approach, which teaches caregivers and parents how to help your child gain the skills needed to improve coordination, strength of the muscles and how to tolerate new textures. If you are concerned, reach out today and one of our team members will be sure to share more about the SOS feeding approach.
Is your child demonstrating delays in their expressive language skills? Are they not using enough words? Is your child having difficulty understanding and following directions? We can provide a screening or an evaluation session to learn more about your child’s needs and develop a plan to work on improving his/her communication and language skills. Our telehealth speech therapy sessions are individualized to make therapy fun based on your child’s interests. Your child will join our therapist via a video platform and work with one of our therapists using engaging materials such as interactive language activities, learning games, puppets, songs, books, and more.
Is your child demonstrating difficulty expressing words? Are you having trouble understanding what your child is communicating? We offer free 15 min consultations where we discuss your concerns and guide you through the process of an evaluation to determine appropriate diagnosis. We follow up with analysis and explain all the results of the evaluation. Then, we go over recommendations as well as how we will provide effective speech-therapy services to help your child.
Click on the parent resource page or use one of our checklists to learn more about your child’s language and feeding developmental milestones.
We work with parents, caregivers, and school personal to help each child grow and improve their communication skills or feeding skills. Our team members are highly trained to provide you exceptional services, coaching, and support. We specialize in providing evidence-based treatment methods for children who have delays in their speech, language, or feeding skills.
Work with one of our therapists to learn more about your child’s needs, schedule your FREE consultation to speak with one of our speech therapists directly, or fill out our contact form and one of our team members will contact you.
Our Chicago pediatric speech therapists also provide bilingual speech therapy services. Mariana Polistchuk M.S. CCC-SLP provides speech therapy in English, Russian, or Hebrew.
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