Speech Therapy Evaluations

Should my child get a speech/feeding evaluation?

Your child may benefit from a comprehensive speech and language evaluation if they are presenting with delayed communication, speech, language, or feeding milestones, producing speech sound errors, unable to follow directions, or have difficulty playing and/or talking with other children.

Use one of the checklists below from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association or Pathways.org to track your child’s communication development. If your child is not meeting any of the milestones described, contact our Chicago speech therapy clinic to discuss your concerns and our team member will help you schedule your appointment for a free phone consultation and/or evaluation.

What to expect during Speech, Language, or Feeding Evaluation?

Functional Speech Therapy offers individualized formal and informal evaluations for children ages 6 months to 18 years of age. This process will help your therapist determine your child’s strengths and challenges in the areas of speech, language, feeding, and overall communication skills.

Free Evaluation Checklists:

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An evaluation will include developmental history, observation of your child, language sample, oral motor examination, standardized test/s, and other informal assessments. Parents may request an evaluation if they were referred by their pediatrician, their child’s educator, or if they have concerns about their child’s speech, language, or feeding skills. The therapist will write a report to share all areas that were assessed and describe in detail findings of the evaluation. Based on the results, the therapist will determine what type of therapy your child may benefit from and if speech, language, or feeding therapy is necessary, and if so, develop goals and plan of treatment. Goals are specific and individualized to target areas of need.

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Ready to Get Started?

Schedule a free phone consultation or complete our get started form to be connected one of our pediatric therapists to review your concerns and to schedule your evaluation. Your child’s therapist will review results of the evaluation and determine whether your child will benefit from services and make recommendations about treatment methods and frequency of services.

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